Liveaboard Life Day 266: We're back home in Luperon with Captain Ahab and Zissou! 😍

Supposedly, I'll be traveling today to Haiti but the bus company cancelled the route because of some civil riot there but turns out for the better this weekend.

Our Little Zissou got sick in the last few days.. we thought just having stomach problem but we couldn't sleep thinking about him being ill so Jonathan decided to rush him to a Veterinarian in Santiago which is a 2-hour drive away from us while I look after Captain Ahab. Found out Zissou has bacterial infection, dehydrated and a kitten flu after some xray, thermometer and blood test done to him! He was also on a "dextrose" for cats (I don't know what's the correct word for that) to have more fluid/water in his body.. hope he gets better soon!! The Vets here are really great and everything cost us $180 for Zissou's treatment.. way cheaper than being in the USA but does anyone know an insurance plan for pets that travel? hahaha!

We're still staying at the apartment that Jonathan rented out with another sailing couple friends for 2 months while we're still cleaning the interior of our sailboat and also fixing all the upgrades that we did on Empress! We'll be really "home" soon because the cats miss their territory.. but we'll be going on a thanksgiving vacation for 6 days with them next week first! 😍😛

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