Life On The Road Day 2: Relaxing at the apartment and getting our things from a friend's house!

After we signed the deed of sale for Empress, Jonathan and I had to figure out how we could start packing and where to leave our things! We already shipped 4 boxes back to the UK and we still have a lot of things with us.. can't believe how much things we accummulated in the last 2 years - not really minimalistic lifestyle! haha 😜

Not sure you remembered my friend, Orlando, who I met when I went on a solo trip to Islande Muertos... he's happy to let us use their storage in their family home in Caguas so we brought 4 bags and boat parts that we're selling separately. He kept it for a week then we picked it up yesterday so we can start re-packing! 😍

After that we spent the day at the apartment and I cooked pasta for lunch - so easy and fast to cook on real stove! hahaha 😂 Hoping we'd sell the windlass and liferaft soon so we can go exploring but for now, the cats are enjoying playing around 💋