Expat Life in Montenegro Day 173: We adopted a new cat, Blackie! ❤️

What a roller-coaster week for us since we returned back to Montenegro last week.

As you guys know, we adopted a new cat, Blackie! ❤️ Captain Ahab & Zissou are now pretty much okay having her around but Zissou is scared of her as she’s quite a feisty street cat! Haha 🤣

This week, we’ve been busy moving our things from our apartment to our new house as we’re ending the rent by the end of this month.. the owner has been too kind to allow us not to finish our one year contract. They are actually selling their penthouse apartment for 200K Euro if anyone is interested! 👌

We’ve met up with our friends, one is Sarah, she’s visiting Montenegro for a month and we’ve known each other since 2016 when we went together on a cruise to Antarctica! I also cooked pansit and lumpia at home then invited our Irish friend, Donal, to enjoy a pinoy food dinner 🥰

We’re able to accomplish a lot of things but I’m very worried of our Captain Ahab this week and we had to bring him to the Vet as he’s been dry heaving for few days now.. he’d play, eat and sleep like his normal days but he’s been trying to vomit but nothing is coming out. Huhuhu. The doctor gave us medicine and to watch him for pancreatitis which I don’t understand because they have special food, he’s active and they only live indoor. Any other tips from cat parents out there on how you handle these things?

Thank you! We can’t wait to show you the progress from our new home, we already paid the downpayment for our interior designer to begin with the design so we can begin the renovation soon! ❤️

P.S. I’m launching my Two Monkeys Tours & Immigration Services Ltd. soon and my lawyers told me that my company registration will be complete within this month! 🥰🙏🏽

Expat Life in Montenegro Day 173 We adopted a new cat, Blackie.jpg
Expat Life in Montenegro Day 173 We adopted a new cat, Blackie16.jpg
Expat Life in Montenegro Day 173 We adopted a new cat, Blackie15.jpg