Teach Yoga & Travel - How to Find a Yoga Teaching Job Abroad
Make your travels abroad more meaningful by incorporating yoga and teaching it to tourists and locals alike. Being an international yoga teacher has plenty of benefits and once you obtain your teacher training, it is not difficult to find opportunities for your first yoga class. Below are six tips to help you out:
Photo by Calder B
1. Independent practice.
Talk to people and let them know that you are a yoga teacher. Chances are, you convert them into instant students. Market your services similar to that of a traveling massage therapist that we have previously discussed. Look at yourself as a freelancer and target individuals who can be potential students. Tourists and fellow backpackers provide a great start. They are more open to trying new things and seeking new experiences.
2. Teach in a hotel.
Look for a hotel in your destination that offers yoga classes. Get in touch with the owner or manager and ask about teaching opportunities. Naturally, you should sell yourself well and provide all the documents to back up your claims. Hotels are ideal employers because they often pay more, guests give generous tips, and sometimes you can strike up a deal where you get free board and lodging. You can look for hotels while you are already in the area or contact them in advance before leaving home.
3. Assist at yoga retreats.
Is there a yoga retreat happening wherever you are? Pay a visit and ask for ways where you can assist, sub, or teach. If there is enough time, contact the organizers and make arrangements to secure a teaching position during the entire duration of the retreat. This works best if you are in a location that is popular for yoga retreats like South East Asia or South America. Also, take advantage of the opportunity to network with the retreat leaders and teachers for future opportunities.
Photo by Ashley Batz
4. Do donation-only classes.
Set up a class in the hostel that you are staying in. Inform the owner or manager that you are a qualified yoga teacher. Offer classes to other guests on a donation-only capacity. It is a fantastic way to make connections with local establishments and meet more people.
5. Work with yoga studios.
Prepare a workshop and offer it to local yoga studios. Show your credentials and work out how to strike a partnership. Alternatively, you can ask them what specific program do they lack and offer to provide it. Work on your workshop plan in advance so you can easily pull it out and make a pitch anywhere. Focus on inversions, backbends, meditation, or pranayama - these are all fun for students to learn.
6. Check out online opportunities.
Tap into your network and ask around for teaching opportunities. Send messages to everyone you know who are also teaching yoga or practicing it. Also, join yoga communities like Yoga Trade that connect teachers and students and provide information on paid and volunteer jobs overseas. You can also find more yoga jobs at Help X, Yoga Travel Jobs, Yoga Finder, and Work Away.
Photo by Inspired Horizons Digital Marketing
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