20 Tips on How To Become an Effective Traveling Massage Therapist
Are you thinking of starting a long-term nomadic travel lifestyle? If you’re thinking of different ways to sustain the lifestyle then maybe you can consider becoming a traveling massage therapist. You can work in different studios, resorts, and even yoga retreats! Below are some tips on how you can become a good traveling massage therapist!
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1. Be caring. Serve.
Yes, you are getting paid to do the massage but genuinely caring for clients ensures you will empathize and sympathize with them and do everything to make them feel better. Be sincere and thoughtful. Aim for their healing. As a bonus, when you are truly caring, clients will come back to you and offer larger tips.
2. Stay positive and upbeat.
The work can be intense. It is physical by nature, standing up all the time and using your hands. The more patients you have, the more stress there is for the body. Keep up and stay in good mental health and stamina!
3. Customize your service.
Talk to your clients about preferences, recent injuries, and other health issues. If they have pain, inquire about the specifics of the pain to alleviate it better and have a well-rounded therapy session.
4. Put yourself in your client’s shoes.
Get to know your clients and find out what they expect from you. Ask what they have been doing so you can target specific areas that will soothe them. For example, if your client has been swimming all day, his or her shoulders might be sore. Address it accordingly.
5. Listen.
How good the massage is will always depend on the client's perception. Ask them what they think is an effective treatment and integrate that into your approach.
6. Invest in your massage kit.
In theory, all you need are your hands to perform a good massage. But you can always elevate the experience by using special oils and perfumes. A reliable massage table is also handy, as well as towels, pillows, and hot packs.
7. Ensure clients are comfortable during the massage.
Some like to talk during a session but many prefer to completely relax. Once in a while, ask them how they are feeling or if any adjustments must be made so they can get the most out of the therapy.
8. Make the massage room a judge-free zone.
Tell clients it is okay if they snore or pass gas during the session. It is okay! Also, instruct them to undress to their comfort. If they are not comfortable lying naked under a towel, there is nothing wrong with having clothes on during the massage.
9. Apply the right kind of pressure.
Ask clients what kind of pressure they prefer. Make sure your movements are not too strong or faint. Request feedback and always pay attention to their level of comfort.
10. Create a relaxing atmosphere.
The room should not be too cold or too warm. Set up lighting and music that will aid with relaxation.
11. Secure an assessment.
After the session, ask your clients what they thought of the massage. Did it ease their pain? Are they more relaxed? Does their body feel lighter?
12. Assess function.
Observe how the clients move after the massage. There should be no pain and in fact, they should be able to move better!
13. Provide holistic care.
You have done a good job if you are able to ease pain and relieve tight muscles but you can always do a greater job by educating clients about the nature of pain and discomfort. Everything they do contribute to it - not just physical activities but also mental stress, emotional problems, and social situations.
14. Get over your fears of charging for your work.
Know the value of the service that you provide and find comfort in creating a business out of it. Let it sustain your lifestyle of travel.
15. Combine business with being of service.
Have a healing approach but do not forget the business side of things.
Photo by Rune Enstad
16. Be subtle about asking for tips.
Most of the time, if you do a good job, clients are more than happy and willing to tip. But it is best never to ask for it directly. Leave signs that say ‘Thank you for your tips’ or place the message on your service menu. They will get it.
17. Ask for referrals.
Inform clients that you would appreciate it deeply if they refer to your services. All it takes is one good word to have a steady stream of clients!
18. Protect yourself.
A massage is always sexy. There might be unfortunate instances when clients make inappropriate advances. Protect yourself and always have a plan of action in case this happens. Know emergency numbers and the location of authorities where you can seek help.
19. Balance work with pleasure.
Do not forget your vision. You are doing massages so you can travel. Do not let yourself fall into a bad routine where most of your day goes into work. Look for balance. Just take enough clients so you can fund your travels. Keep in mind that the goal is to keep moving, not to get rich.
20. Educate yourself continually.
Keep up with the latest trends. Sign up for new workshops or seminars. Sharpen your skill with additional knowledge or specialize. Opportunities for expansion are plenty so taking advantage!
Photo by Jesper Aggergaard
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